Friday, August 13, 2010

Almost there!

I am leaving in less than a week for New York City and in exactly one week I will be landing in Brussels, Belgium on the 20th - my 16th birthday! I have all my forms in order and have only a few things to finish up with before I am completely ready. And I keep finding people that I may not see again for an entire year, and it's hard to say goodbye to them. My friends threw a surprise party for me on Tuesday which was absolutely sweet!
I cannot wait to see the other people going to Belgium and meet my host family! I believe I am past feeling nervous - at this point I know there is no going back. I am mostly very excited, and slightly sad. I will miss everyone here in Maine so much. And the ocean as well, but it will all be well worth it.
Also, please do not expect a blog post either right before I leave (this can count as that) or as soon as I arrive. I will be tired, busy and wanting to experience Belgium and AFS - not wanting to stare at a computer screen!
My adventure is about to begin for real and I am so, so excited!